
Lesson 2: Safety Issues on the Use of ICT including e-Safety Rules

SUMMARY OF THE INTERVIEW According to an ICT Coordinator of Quintinians technical vocational school,incorporated Mr. Darwin Casayuran that yes they have a facility in school which is Tesda accredited and it composed of 15 units of computer which has an internet and they do have policies like OHS and to the last question is to do not do anything without guidance and permission of a teacher or other expert on this matter. According to Engineer. Anthony Estipona a teacher of CSS or ICT . He says that they have a computer facilities which composes a computer laboratory a working area and a references. This facilities are allowed to used by the students and other faculty. In general it is the OHS or the Occupational health and safety. And to the last question he says that never work alone, and when assembling make sure that all the devices are in good condition and fully operated. Do not touch electronics without knowledge for this is done by someone expert . You should aware to th

The Use of Social Networking Platforms

ADVANTAGES Communication - through social media we could easily talk to our family, friends, and love ones even if they are miles away. Using our gadgets we could chat, voice call and video call them. Accessible Information - just one click away in our gadgets then we could find the information that we need. News - easier access to the daily news. Way of Socialization - we could find new friends in the internet. Entertainment - we could enjoy watching videos in our social media accounts. DISADVANTAGES Cyber bullying - exposure to the social media will lead to cyber bullying.  Fake News - not all the news in the internet is true.  Addiction - too much exposure to internet will lead to addiction.  Laziness - addiction to the internet will lead to laziness.  Scam/Fraud - there are many people who use internet to scam(cheat/deceive) just for their own sake.   5 Precautionary Measures when using Social Media Be careful to the people you add/confirm in the so


A. Profile of a Modern Teacher       Before when I hear the word 'Modern Teacher' the first thing that comes to my mind is a '21st Century Teacher'. A teacher who knows the latest trends in teaching, who is expert in using the technology in teaching. But seeing the infographics about 'The Profile of a Modern Teacher' it makes me realize that I am wrong. Being a modern teacher, a 21st century teacher doesn't mean that you need to be expert in technology. All you need to do is to be expert in habits of mind. It means that you accept failures and admit mistakes. You're humble enough to ask help to your colleagues when you needed it. You embrace change and step outside your comfort zone.       As an aspiring modern teacher those characteristics, behaviors/practices that stated in the infographics is not easy to do. But for me having the heart in teaching will make it easy. Wihtout it, it will not be possible. B. Change your Words – Change your Mindset  

Module 2: Lesson 1- Policies and Issues on Internet and Implications to Teaching and Learning

 E-pollutants from E-waste  "Electronic Waste (E-waste):How Big of a Problem is it?" By: Rubicon Global Summary Narrative : The United States, and other economically established countries, handles some e-waste recycling but the EPA estimates that 25% of recyclable electronic waste is shipped away. According to the United Nations, 20-50 million metric tons of electronic waste is discarded globally every year. A large number of what is labeled as e-waste; is actually not waste at all, but whole electronic equipment or parts that are readily marketable for reuse or can be recycled for materials recovery. Every year, over 50 million tons of electronic waste is created. What Lesson have I Learned: I learned that E-waste is not just a simple waste, it is more than that. E-waste has a big impact in our surroundings that in every electronic gadget or components that we throw could contribute to the poll

Activity 3: How will I use Technology when I become a teacher

Our generation revolves in technology, in everything we do there's technology that makes our work easier. From the simplest things to the most complex things, technology is there to help us. As a future educator of the 21st century technology will be my main tool in teaching, it will have a big role in my teaching career. The theories, concepts, and lesson that I will teach to my students will come from the research that I will conduct. As a modern educator my lesson will be presented through a PowerPoint presentation. Technology will also make my work easier through the gadgets (eg. laptop) that I will use to save my lessons, students assessment, etc. I will also let my students use technology as their tool in learning (such in activities, assignments, projects, etc...).  Technology will have a big impact in my future career which is teaching. Without it our life would be  so much different from what we have now. It would be so hard! We could just be stick in the old way

Activity 2: How Technology Influenced My Life as a Learner

'What is Technology?' When you ask me that during my elementary days. I would answer your question with 'What are you talking about?' because honestly those times I dont have any idea about technology. I dont even know what is Facebook, Yahoo, Friendster, etc. I just want to play that time. So technology has not influenced me as an elementary learner. During my high school days I was introduced to technology. My first social media account was Facebook, and I used it to socialize and communicate with my friends. Then I got to know Google my ever reliable friend  I use Google to search for my assignments, research and reports. Technology has been a big part in my high school life  From study purposes to social purposes. As a high school learner technology has influenced me big time. Maybe because technology is rising during those times(our generation). Its not shocking that I'm so into technology, all those trends I know it. I'm so lucky because we have technolo