A. Profile of a Modern Teacher
      Before when I hear the word 'Modern Teacher' the first thing that comes to my mind is a '21st Century Teacher'. A teacher who knows the latest trends in teaching, who is expert in using the technology in teaching. But seeing the infographics about 'The Profile of a Modern Teacher' it makes me realize that I am wrong. Being a modern teacher, a 21st century teacher doesn't mean that you need to be expert in technology. All you need to do is to be expert in habits of mind. It means that you accept failures and admit mistakes. You're humble enough to ask help to your colleagues when you needed it. You embrace change and step outside your comfort zone.
      As an aspiring modern teacher those characteristics, behaviors/practices that stated in the infographics is not easy to do. But for me having the heart in teaching will make it easy. Wihtout it, it will not be possible.

B. Change your Words – Change your Mindset
      This infographic tells us to be positive no matter what. As a modern teacherwe are expected to teach throigh the use of new technologies and it is possible to encounter problems. 'Change your words- Change your mindset' wants us to act positively in the problems that we encounter in technology. Having a negative thoughts will just make us feel down that we will just pass to our students and if that happens it will make us an inefficient teacher. So when having difficulties just smile and think positive.


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